Special Religious Education
Special Religious Education (SRE) is taught in public primary and high schools across the Diocese with paid and volunteer workers drawn not only from our parishes and special districts but other denominations as well.
The Diocese ensures that scripture teachers are well trained and appropriately authorised. The Diocese is a member of the Inter Church Commission for Religious Education in Schools (ICCOREIS) which develops, promotes and supports quality religious education in schools.
The Diocese is an Approved Provider of Special Religious Education in NSW. Our volunteer SRE teachers have undertaken authorised initial and ongoing training in child protection and classroom management issues.
The requirements for SRE teachers in Armidale Diocese are:
- have a current Working with Children Check
- be authorised by a vicar from the church they attend
- complete both Safe Ministry training every three (3) years and initial SRE training in line with ICCOREIS Training Standards, and ongoing development training every year
- be observed teaching SRE during the year and receive feedback; and
- use an authorised curriculum (see below)
For more information about the Department of Education’s Policy and Procedures follow the link here.
For inquiries please contact safeministry@armidaleanglicandiocese.com
The Department of Education and Communities (DEC) requires all curricula authorised for use in SRE (Special Religious Education) to be made available for parents to view online.
The current curricula authorised by the Bishop of the Diocese of Armidale are listed below:
Primary Schools
- Beginning with God (CEP)
- Connect (CEP)
- Big Questions (CEP)
- Godspace (Baptist Church of NSW/ACT)
Secondary Schools
- Think Faith (CEP)
Other Resources
- Jesus the Game Changer – Scope/sequence
- NUA A fresh perspective – Scope/sequence
- NUA Move (Year 6)
- NUA Easter (9-14 years old)
- NUA Christmas (9-14 years old)
- NUA Origins (Years 7-10)
These curricula are reviewed every 5 years.
SRE Teacher Accreditation
The requirements and processes to be accredited as an SRE teacher in the Armidale Diocese are set out in the Youthworks website: www.youthworks.net/sre/new-teachers (this training complies with the training requirements of ICCOREIS: www.iccoreis.asn.au/providers/training).
SRE Overview. (37KB)
SRE Armidale Diocese Teacher Authorisation Process. (413 KB)
SRE Accreditation Form. (642 KB)
Diocesan SRE Complaints Handling Policy. (223 KB)
SRE Approved Provider Complaint Form. (121 KB)
School Community and Consumer Complaint Procedure. (505 KB)
SRE Interactive Whiteboards and Digital Projectors. (125 KB)
SRE Social Media Policy and Procedures. (150 KB)
SRE Teachers Manual. (401 KB)
SRE Teacher Self Reflection. (111 KB)
Authorisation Letter Stand Alone Provider (124KB)
Authorisation Letter Combined Arrangement (126KB)
2024 DoE Teacher Declaration Form (45KB)
2024 Teacher Basic Training (50KB)