Understanding Christian Care
Many Christians know the importance of caring for each other but we often struggle to know how to help others or what to say or do.
Sharon Kirk has developed a biblically based, short course to help equip God’s people with understanding and skills for effective Christian care.
‘Understanding Christian Care’ has five main sessions:
- Foundation of Christian Care
- Christian Care Skills
- Healthy Christian Care
- The Practice of Christian Care
- Christian Care through Grief and Loss.
Course material is presented in short segments, with regular breaks for group discussion/ individual reflection. The total course can be covered in ten hours (including discussion) and can be delivered as 10 x 1-hour sessions, 5 x 2-hour sessions, or at an individual’s/group’s chosen pace.
This course is now available at no cost to members of the Armidale Diocese via a web link. The course can be accessed in two formats:
- videos of all course content and a participant’s booklet; or
- full leader’s notes, PowerPoint slides, videos, and a participant’s booklet.
For more information and to get access to this course, please contact Emily at the Registry Office: office@armidaleanglicandiocese.com / 02 6772 4491.